Individual Exhibitions
1974: Diana Gallery, New York City
– The Interchurch Center, New York City
– Gallery Ściana Wschodnia, Warsaw, Poland
– Gallery Stary Teatr (Old Theatre), Cracow, Poland
– Gallery Wybrzeże Theatre, Gdańsk, Poland
1977: Gallery MPiK, Łódź, Poland
1978: American Consulate, Cracow, Poland
1991 – 1994: “Hommes de Science”, exposition itinerante – Touring Exposition:
– Espace Quartier Latin, Paris;
-Ministere de la Recherche et de la Technologie, Paris
Septembre 1991 – Janvier 1992:
– Cite des Sciences et de l’Industrie La Villette, Paris
– Mediatheque J.J. Rousseau, Champigny-sur-Marne
– Musee de l’Hygiene, Dresde
– Ecole Polytechnique Federale (ETH – Zentrum), Zurich
1992: Parc des Expositions, Toulouse
1993: Ancienne Ecole normale, Fort-de-France
12 March to 31 August 1994:
“Hommes de Science” – images numeriques sur CD, dans le cadre du POLYTECH: Touring exposition du bicentenaire de capitales regionales.
– “Hommes de Science”, Exposition simultanee des memes images sur deux supports: argentiques sur papier photographique et numeriques sur CD. Kodak-Pathe, Paris (Last “Hommes de Sciences” exhibit)
– Leica Gallery, Solms
– Mediatheque J.J. Rousseau, Champigny-sur-Marne
– Espace Quartier Latin, Paris
– Foto Art Gallery, Bruges
– Compagnie, Paris
– BIP Gallery, Paris
– Muzeum Okręgowe, Żyrardów, Poland
– Świat Fotografii Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
– PF Gallery, Poznań, Poland
– Klub 13 MUZ, Szczecin, Poland
– Dom Bretanii, Poznań, Poland
– BWA Gallery, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
1997: Aeroport de Paris, Orly Sud
1999: Stara Gallery ZPAF, Warsaw, Poland
2000: Biblioteka Narodowa (National Library) “Poeta Ksiądz Jan Twardowski”
2001: B & B Photography Gallery “Umykające chwile”, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
– Imago Fotokunst Gallery, Berlin
– Galeria Fotografii Muzeum Narodowego (National Museum Photography Gallery) – Gdańsk, Poland
– Pedagogiczna Biblioteka Wojewódzka w Warszawie, filia w Żyrardowie, Poland
2004: diArte Gallery – Teatr Muzyczny Roma, Warsaw, Poland
– Green Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
– FF Gallery “Enigma Marian Schmidt”, Łódź, Poland
2011: diArte Gallery A & S “Marian Schmidt Fotografie”, Warsaw, Poland
– In-spire Gallery “Three regards”, Photo Ireland 2013 Festival, Dublin, UK.
– Interphoto Gallery Ślendzińskich “Three regards”, Białystok, Poland
2017: Dom Spotkań z Historią “Inside Poland Marian Schmidt Photographs” Warsaw, Poland
2018 – Posthumous exhibition:
– Muzeum Nowej Huty / Muzeum Krakowa “Inside Poland Marian Schmidt Photographs, Cracow, Poland